Lincolnshire Police release county’s Top Ten worst drivers caught on dashcam

Lincolnshire Police have released their second Top Ten worst drivers video collected from dashcam footage.Lincolnshire Police have released their second Top Ten worst drivers video collected from dashcam footage.
Lincolnshire Police have released their second Top Ten worst drivers video collected from dashcam footage.
Lincolnshire Police have released another batch of examples of bad driving caught on dashcam submitted by road users via its Operation Snap video portal.

The Lincolnshire portal, which was launched just over a year ago, allows road users to submit video footage of certain suspected traffic offences.

These include careless, inconsiderate, dangerous driving and riding, not being in proper control of a motorbike or vehicle, failure to comply with signs or traffic lights, crossing solid white lines and mobile phone use.

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This second video published reveals a ‘Top Ten’ of drivers completely disregarding the safety of others. As can be seen in the video, the force says the driving standards are terrible, with most of the clips showing drivers being impatient and taking unnecessary and extreme risks; in some cases, narrowly avoiding serious collisions.

The force commented on releasing the video: “We encourage anyone who witnesses and records clear footage, which must include a visible vehicle registration mark and shows poor driving or riding, to submit the footage through the Op Snap portal on our website.

“Our aim is to achieve a sustainable reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road collisions. We want to have the safest roads in the UK.

“Everyone who shares the roads can help to achieve our aim by submitting their footage. Every piece of footage is viewed, and action taken where offences are identified, and the evidence threshold is met. Where the prosecution threshold isn’t quite met, we will consider a warning letter to those drivers advising them of their poor manner of driving.”

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So far, Lincolnshire Police has had 1,164 videos submitted by people. Officers are reminding drivers and riders who overtake on solid white lines, who are impatient and take risks, to know, their driving may be caught on video, and the force will always take action where it can. “Just because there isn’t a police officer watching, doesn’t mean their driving or riding isn’t being recorded,” they say.

On average they have been getting 90 submissions a month and this is steadily increasing.

drivers can be dealt with in several different ways, depending on the level of offence. Since the launch of Operation Snap in February 2021:

43 drivers have been summoned to court for offences, resulting in 24 convictions for various driving offences. This includes nine drivers for failing to identify the driver of the vehicle at the time of the incident. 59 drivers have received Fixed Penalty Notices (£100 fine and three penalty points on driving licence). 53 drivers have received formal caution letters. 76 drivers have completed a What’s Driving Us course 435 drivers have received warning letters for their manner of driving.

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When an offence is recorded, a letter will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle, asking for details of the driver at the time of the offence. Failing to supply those details is an offence in itself and carries a penalty of six points and up to a £1,000 fine.

The What’s Driving Us course is an alternative to prosecution and is designed to increase awareness and understanding of the causes and consequences of risky and inconsiderate driving. It covers the importance of concentration, allowing adequate space and time and reasons why drivers own driving maybe unsafe or inconsiderate. For more info: