Man in court for stalking woman and assaulting police officer

In court on stalking and police assault chargeIn court on stalking and police assault charge
In court on stalking and police assault charge | jpimedia
A Boston man has been given a two-year restraining order after stalking a woman in Fishtoft.

Radar Wilczewski (36) entered the garden of a home in Ward Crescent and watched her through the windows.

It was to gain information regarding her personal life for his own gain, Lincoln Magistrates’ Court was told on Friday.(May 22)

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It happened on several occasions between March 5 and March 14 this year.

Wilczewski, of Paddock Road, pleaded guilty to the offence and also assault by beating of a custody sergeant at Boston Police Station on March 14.

He was given a community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and the restraining order.

Wilczewski was ordered to pay £95 compensation to the police officer and £85 victim surcharge.