'Only travel if necessary': Police issue weather warning for Lincolnshire

A weather warning has been issued for Lincolnshire.A weather warning has been issued for Lincolnshire.
A weather warning has been issued for Lincolnshire.
Police have issued a weather warning for Lincolnshire, along with a plea to only travel if necessary.

Snow and ice are expected across the county all day tomorrow (Saturday).

In a statement, police said: "It is imperative to consider once again if your journey is essential. If it can be rescheduled to another day, it should be.

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"Snow and sleet will mean hazardous driving conditions tomorrow.

"Please only travel in your vehicle if absolutely necessary.

"If you must use the roads and your journey cannot be delayed, please be prepared.

"Make sure you have a fully charged mobile, warm clothing, blankets, boots and a shovel.

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"Please drive with extreme caution and in accordance with the conditions, allowing extra time for your journey."

The warning comes in addition to the current COVID lockdown restrictions, where the government asks people should only travel if essential and when there is a lawful exemption to do so.