Gainsborough takeaway faces loss of licence for breaching coronavirus law

Gainsborough Grill has had its licence revoked. Photo by Google.Gainsborough Grill has had its licence revoked. Photo by Google.
Gainsborough Grill has had its licence revoked. Photo by Google.
A takeaway in Gainsborough has had its late-night refreshment licence revoked after breaching coronavirus legislation.

Gainsborough Grill on Trinity Street was given 21 days to appeal the decision which was made by the district council’s licensing sub-committee on December 17. If no appeal is made, then the suspension will come into force.

The sub-committee heard that police officers visited the premises three times over four weeks and on each occasion found it to be in breach of the legislation. Customers were sat inside after the 10pm closure time, face coverings weren’t being worn and a Covid19 risk assessment hadn’t been completed.

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Sgt Kim Enderby, alcohol licensing manager for Lincolnshire Police, said: “The overwhelming majority of licensed premises in the county have adapted their business, followed the legislation and ensured their venues were safe environments for the public to use.

"Why Gainsborough Grill chose to ignore the legislation and continue trading – open to the public beyond 10pm, allowing customers inside the store without face masks was never fully explained by the owner, who admitted during the hearing that he understood the legislation.

"Customers were seen inside the takeaway and gathered in a group on the pavement outside at ten minutes past midnight. Mr Ozcan, the licence holder, was issued with a fixed penalty notice by local officers but even this failed to make him make the necessary changes.

"My team visited on two subsequent occasions and further breaches were discovered. We found a male stood eating in the store, the CCTV system wasn’t working and no Covid19 risk assessment had been completed.

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"The risk assessment should have been in place since the beginning of the pandemic and ensures that the business operates in a safe way for both staff and customers. He finally produced a risk assessment at the hearing but it was generic, providing further evidence of the lack of care demonstrated by the licence holder.

"The decision of the council sends a strong message to anyone owning or running licensed premises - act lawfully and responsibly, follow the guidance being offered or face losing your licence.”