Market Rasen Walking Football on the lookout for new recruits

Would you like to join the growing sport of walking football? EMN-200901-162102002Would you like to join the growing sport of walking football? EMN-200901-162102002
Would you like to join the growing sport of walking football? EMN-200901-162102002 | User (UGC)
A few familiar faces to the Market Rasen football scene have returned to the game and are looking for new recruits.

Thousands have rediscovered the joys of playing football again nationally thanks to walking football, a slowed-down version of the game.

Clubs have sprung up all over country, including a fully established one in Rasen.

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“It’s much more than a stroll in the park,” said organiser Gary Fenwick.

“It can be exhausting, but it certainly is fun.”

If you want to give it a try, get down to De Aston Leisure Centre on Monday evenings, with kick-off at 6.30pm.

The minimum age is 55, but there is flexibility for younger people with health issues which preclude them from participating in the regular game, and everyone is welcome. ️

To find out more, email Gary Fenwick at [email protected]